"Making Men"


Making Men examines the question of masculinity. This dance film zooms in on 4 individuals in the process of becoming men. As is expected, they proceed unquestioningly into manhood through various stages of their lives, adopting the clearly coded characteristics allowed by society.

However, a feeling of unease, in the very depths of their being, oppresses them. They feel uncertainty but also something else, harder to define

Shot in the breathtaking landscape of Zimbabwe, the film features strong and rhythmical choreography but also a special camera work that intensifies emotions inspired by the movement.


11. Antoine Panier.jpg

After fifteen years as a contemporary dancer, Antoine Panier redirects his professional activity to new technologies and visual communication, including web development, graphics and video. He joined the team of Studio Signélazer where he worked on many projects for 13 years. After an intensive training at the Metropolitan Film School of London, he develops his own video production and webdesign company (Mijim). He then carries out projects in various fields (corporate videos, films and trailers for dance and theatre, motion design ...) and participates in the development of the Theatrez-moi! platform for which he produces many video trailers. /// Through his training and experience in dance, Antoine develops a new approach cinema/dance which results in an original work. This particular camera work is based on the relationship between the lens and the choreography or the movements. The artists, in front of(dancers) and behind the camera (cameraman), listen to each other; they move and breathe together; there is synchronisation. The image is often intrusive and intimate, leaving no room for modesty of emotions. /// This cinematographic approach is made possible thanks to a work process realised previously in studio. While the choreography is created for the camera, the camera integrates the choreography. It is therefore a work of precision; camera movements are created and repeated with the dancers until perfect fluidity and until perfect breathing are achieved. The rhythms and movements are then amplified on screen and the emotions related to the dance are made all the more intense.

Antoine Panier